Kirill Telegin Apps

Snmp Widget 7.3
Kirill Telegin
Snmp Widget is designed to send SNMP Set commands and SNMP GETrequests by widgets. Please try Snmp Widget Free before purchasing.You can use GET-Widget as a place on your screen for displayinginformation fetched from a remote agent via SNMP GET Request. Youcan use SET-Widget as a two-position switch to controlnetwork-enabled outlets, network switches and routers, remoterelays, and other SNMP enabled devices. This is how the SET-Widgetworks: Click -> send SNMP command "A" -> click -> sendSNMP command "B" -> click -> send SNMP command "A" and so on.Confirmed to work on: -Android 1.6 @ AVD (Android Virtual Device)-Android 2.3 @ HTC hero -Android 4.0 @ Rikomagic MK 802 II -Android4.1 @ Samgsung Galaxy ACE Confirmed to work with: -DAEnetIP1-Netping -Cisco routers and switches Snmp Widget Features: -Several SNMP widgets can be created. Each one with its ownconfiguration. - Multithreaded networking - Widgets can betriggered from external apps (Proference, Tasker, etc). Seedescription below. - Configuration Export/Import (no need to writeOIDs with onscreen keyboard - copy/paste them on your PC/MAC) -Separate WIFI and Mobile profiles - Configurable timeouts andretransmitions (Widget behavior depends on SNMP Agent reply) -ConfigEditor allows modification of existing widgets - ConfigurableSNMP version (v1 and v2c) - Supports BER value types: Integer,String, Null - Configurable OID in dots-decimal notation -Configurable SNMP community - Widgets state survives reboot -Configurable style (text color, names) - User configurable debugmode - Helps me to help you :) Externall app interoperability:SnmpWidget can be controlled from external apps (Tasker,Proference, etc) via broadcast intents. Send broadcasts with Action= k4.snmpwidget.TOGGLE_WIDGET . Two extra string values must beincluded in broadcast intent: Extra 1: key=NAME value= String.Contains Regular expression to match widgets name. Can be Lamp tomatch widget with name Lamp. Can be ".{0,}" to match all widgetnames. Extra 2: key=STATE vlaue= String. Describes what you wouldlike to do with widgets. the following values are available:"update" - Update widget state "switch" - for SET widgets forcetransition to the next state. This is what happens when you clickon the widget. "one" - forse transition to STATE 1. Does not matterwhat is current state. "two" - forse transition to STATE 2. Doesnot matter what is current state. Imagine you have SET widget namedLamp and you want to change its state with Tasker. Find Intentaction in Tasker`s MISC section. Configure the following values init: Action = k4.snmpwidget.TOGGLE_WIDGET Extra = NAME:Lamp Extra =STATE:switch If you have any question - drop me a email. Morefeatures are coming! Bug reports and feature requests are welcomed!:) Attention! SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 are weak security protocols. Becarefull while using Snmp Widget in untrusted networks. You canchange (intentionally or unintentionally) the state of a remoteelectronic device with the help of Snmp Widget. It might bedangerous. For example to turn on an iron remotely will be a bigmistake. Safety measures while using Snmp Widgets is only yourresponsibility. I accept no responsibility for any harm you can dowhile using Snmp Widget. How to report bugs (You should have"aLogcat" application for it. One can find it in Google PlayStore): 1. Open Snmp Widget application (via application launcher)2. Enable debugging by clicking on "Debug" button 3. Do whateveryour were doing (Please describe it as well) 4. Open "aLogcat"application and save the logs to a file 5. Send the file to me 6.Disable debugging
Snmp Widget Free 7.3
Kirill Telegin
Snmp Widget is designed to send SNMP Set commands and SNMPGETrequests by widgets. This is free version of SnmpWidgetapplication. It is limitied to one widget instance. Upgradeto SnmpWidget, if you need more widgets. You can use GET-Widget asa placeon your screen for displaying information fetched from aremoteagent via SNMP GET Request. You can use SET-Widget asatwo-position switch to control network-enabled outlets,networkswitches and routers, remote relayes, and other SNMPenableddevices. This is how the SET-Widget works: Click -> sendSNMPcommand "A" -> click -> send SNMP command "B" ->click-> send SNMP command "A" and so on. Confirmed to workon:-Android 1.6 @ AVD (Android Virtual Device) -Android 2.3 @ HTChero-Android 4.0 @ Rikomagic MK 802 II -Android 4.1 @ SamgsungGalaxyACE Confirmed to work with: -DAEnetIP1 -Netping -Ciscorouters andswitches Snmp Widget Features: - Several SNMP widgetscan becreated. Each one with its own configuration. -Multithreadednetworking - Widgets can be triggered from externalapps(Proference, Tasker, etc). See description below. -ConfigurationExport/Import (no need to write OIDs with onscreenkeyboard -copy/paste them on your PC/MAC) - Separate WIFI andMobile profiles- Configurable timeouts and retransmitions (Widgetbehavior dependson SNMP Agent reply) - ConfigEditor allowsmodification of existingwidgets - Configurable SNMP version (v1 andv2c) - Supports BERvalue types: Integer, String, Null -Configurable OID indots-decimal notation - Configurable SNMPcommunity - Widgets statesurvives reboot - Configurable style (textcolor, names) - Userconfigurable debug mode - Helps me to help you:) Externall appinteroperability: SnmpWidget can be controlled fromexternal apps(Tasker, Proference, etc) via broadcast intents. Sendbroadcastswith Action = k4.snmpwidget.TOGGLE_WIDGET . Two extrastring valuesmust be included in broadcast intent: Extra 1:key=NAME value=String. Contains Regular expression to match widgetsname. Can beLamp to match widget with name Lamp. Can be ".{0,}" tomatch allwidget names. Extra 2: key=STATE vlaue= String. Describeswhat youwould like to do with widgets. the following values areavailable:"update" - Update widget state "switch" - for SET widgetsforcetransition to the next state. This is what happens when youclickon the widget. "one" - forse transition to STATE 1. Does notmatterwhat is current state. "two" - forse transition to STATE 2.Doesnot matter what is current state. Imagine you have SET widgetnamedLamp and you want to change its state with Tasker. FindIntentaction in Tasker`s MISC section. Configure the followingvalues init: Action = k4.snmpwidget.TOGGLE_WIDGET Extra = NAME:LampExtra =STATE:switch If you have any question - drop me a email.Morefeatures are coming! Bug reports and feature requests arewelcomed!:) Attention! SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 are weak securityprotocols. Becarefull while using Snmp Widget in untrustednetworks. You canchange (intentionally or unintentionally) thestate of a remoteelectronic device with the help of Snmp Widget. Itmight bedangerous. For example to turn on an iron remotely will bea bigmistake. Safety measures while using Snmp Widgets is onlyyourresponsibility. I accept no responsibility for any harm you candowhile using Snmp Widget. How to report bugs (You shouldhave"aLogcat" application for it. One can find it in GooglePlayStore): 1. Open Snmp Widget application (via applicationlauncher)2. Enable debugging by clicking on "Debug" button 3. Dowhateveryour were doing (Please describe it as well) 4. Open"aLogcat"application and save the logs to a file 5. Send the fileto me 6.Disable debugging